It was an absolutely gorgeous day, the sun was shining as we drove into Glenfernate and parked our cars just past the end of the road up to Loch Crannach. There were ten of us today - Gillian, Jean D, Jean I, Jeanette, Jacquelin, Kate, Rhoda, Susan, Sylvia and a very nice gentleman called Alan who is staying in Kirkmichael for a wee holiday and decided to join us.
We walked along the Allt Fearnach (River to those who don't know what Allt means) up to the Daldhu. It was a a lovely walk as we were walking in towards the mountains with hills surrounding us and the river alongside us all the way.
At one bridge there were small trout jumping away like mad and nobody thought to take a fishing rod!! Some of the ladies spotted 6 deer legs lying at the side of the road on our way in but as we never saw or have seen or heard of a 6 legged deer we checked on our way back and found 8 deer legs.
But well spotted Susan and Gillian! We then headed to the Strathardle Inn for our lunch and a welcome Shandy or two.
We walked a bit further today than we have done before - by my reckoning we did 10k (6m) so well done everybody except Jeanette who skedaddled away back home to be in time for a wedding she was officiating at. (But she did do a walk yesterday -so we shall forgive you this time Jeanette.)
This is a must do again walk - it was so peaceful and beautiful. We should take a picnic next time as there are so many places to stop and relax by the river. Or ask permission to drive up to the Daldhu and walk up to Loch Loch which has a beach!! or up the other track even.
Knackered Jean D
** NeXt WeEk **

We have decided to walk the Cateran trail from Kirkmichael towards Bridge of Cally next week in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support We can walk just the distance we want to, and then turn back and go to the Kirkmichael Village Shop where there will be banners and balloons! Maybe even a cuppy and some cake, too.
If it is a nice day some people might like to take along their picnic and have it on the way. And, it may be possible for those who go the whole 8 mile distance, to get the school bus at Bridge of Cally (opp. the Post Office) back to Kirkmichael (check with the driver, or you'll go up the glen) but, you'll need to be there by about 4pm. It might also be possible to arrange for some with cars to collect people from the Bridge of Cally Hotel car park.